Jumat, Desember 23, 2011

Happy Holiday :D

OMG!! i miss write something in here. i busy in activity at school. Started by exam first semester in grade 12. and then test toefl. and many more homework by school. my best friend now is schoolbook ha.ha.ha.
im happy this holiday and maybe all student same with me like holiday. talk about holiday, this is a christmas and new year wohooo. oya i will visit my twins home, benita :p yaps bens open house when natal. hmm and i still dont have plans to celebrate this new year, maybe i celebrate this new year with ayi at mhkm river :
~(‾‾~) ~(‾‾)~ (~‾‾)~  \(´`)


Kamis, Desember 01, 2011

Final Liga Smansa 2011

okay!! this final liga smansa :O
maybe you can read previous post for liga smansa in here
the final held on gor segiri. and of course i support 56 XII IPA 8 and XII IPA 6  (`´) 

huldiansyah .__.

with mentari 

Supporter girl 56 



Another photo with Rika, Wina, Delin

with delin

with rika

Jumat, November 11, 2011


Alhamdulilah ya, very something (sangat sesuatu) if we talk about 11.11.11 (its mean Friday, 11 november 2011). What's your activity for today? wedding? or to be taken with your crush? awh whatever.
all day it same for me, want 111111, 20112011, 123456, its important if the date is red (re:holiday).

----------------Friday, 11 November 2011 02:20 am -----------------

Jadi ceritaku hari ini sangat sesuatu banget.
pas tengah malam aku bangun, sempat gelisah tidur, sampe gajadi tidur. gak sadar sudah beribu ribu selimut sudah diatasku. demam lagi, panas lagi, sesak lagi trus suara juga habis. niat mau kekamar ibu buat minta dikelonin malah disuruh ke UGD. untung rumah bener bener ditengah kota. 5 menit sampe di RS Dirgahayu, masuk ugd -> pemeriksaan -> disuruh minum obat -> ambil darah -> bobo di ugd. tiba tiba udah disuruh pulang pas jam 4, hasil tesnya trombositnya turun lagi, radang lagi sama demam. 

Kata temen temen, aku pucat tapi gak kurespon, tiap malam juga demam. 
Baru kali ini sekolah dalam seminggu cuma 3 hari aja masuknya hehe 

Oya kok enak banget ya kalo lagi sakit. Sesuatu banget semua yang aku pengen dibeliin. Mulai dari bakso, ayam goreng, paru (re: nasi padang), kentaki, trus gausah repot repot ke dapur minum obat soalnya ayah tiap jam datang ke kamar ngasi obat yang udah ditumbuk.
Kalo misalnya minta bb ato macbook dikasi gak yaaaaa?

ayah super itu harus up-to-date :)

Senin, November 07, 2011

Happy Idul Adha 1432 H

Happy Idul Adha everyone (/‾‾)/
Alhamdulilah yah still give life from Allah.
After Shalat Idul Adha. Ayah invite me and my sister, adel to watching qurban event. 
Ayah buy 1 cow, a cow be marked number 7. Ayah want sembelih cow but IRMA (Ikatan Remaja Masjid) and Jagal workman refuse ayah because thats their jobs.

Ayah, my sister and i ride scoopy and otw to field near mosque

Just kidding x)

look her face. like affraid with cow huahaha

Ayah told me, give goat a grass because this the last they eat a grass :|

Poor little girl, she see when cow was sembelih

 finnaly number 7
Ayah to help sembelih cow process

Thank you Allah, i'm not cow.

time to give meat to family and burn meat into satay

Ayah, my sister and i deliverd meat to auntie's home

 My Rock and Roll little Sister \m/


His name is ade. He is my cousin. ade and i so closed and i treat him like my brother

He always ask me "why me gregetan to ade?" "because ade funny ya? because ade always make kakak laugh" yayaya. you ask me and you too answerd LOL

Tadaaaaa!! My menu dinner is Satay!!!!

Ari & Amel

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers