Senin, November 07, 2011

Happy Idul Adha 1432 H

Happy Idul Adha everyone (/‾‾)/
Alhamdulilah yah still give life from Allah.
After Shalat Idul Adha. Ayah invite me and my sister, adel to watching qurban event. 
Ayah buy 1 cow, a cow be marked number 7. Ayah want sembelih cow but IRMA (Ikatan Remaja Masjid) and Jagal workman refuse ayah because thats their jobs.

Ayah, my sister and i ride scoopy and otw to field near mosque

Just kidding x)

look her face. like affraid with cow huahaha

Ayah told me, give goat a grass because this the last they eat a grass :|

Poor little girl, she see when cow was sembelih

 finnaly number 7
Ayah to help sembelih cow process

Thank you Allah, i'm not cow.

time to give meat to family and burn meat into satay

Ayah, my sister and i deliverd meat to auntie's home

 My Rock and Roll little Sister \m/


His name is ade. He is my cousin. ade and i so closed and i treat him like my brother

He always ask me "why me gregetan to ade?" "because ade funny ya? because ade always make kakak laugh" yayaya. you ask me and you too answerd LOL

Tadaaaaa!! My menu dinner is Satay!!!!

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Ari & Amel

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